Sunday, November 05, 2006

We went trick or treating in Gold Canyon and got a ton of candy and other goodies! It was very nice about...about 70 degrees when we started and 60 degrees when we loaded back in the truck for the beautiful ride home. This was of course Zada first Halloween and she loved dressing up. She made sure everyone saw her when they passed on the street. The picture isn't the greatest but how well of a picture can you really get with an 11 month old and a 2 year old...."Thank you Nana for getting us ready to go out and Thank you to Steve and Cheri for letting us come to their extra special neighborhood to trick or treat"

1 comment:

Ricks_gurl said...

awwwwwwwww look at my babies...There gettin so big...I want one of these pics to .....