Tuesday, December 08, 2009
25 Random Words
Rule: Type the first word that comes to mind when you read the list
1. Cell phone: Crackberry
2. Husband: HOT
3. Kids: Precious
4. Mother: Loving
5. Father: miss him
6. Work: kids
7. TV: DVR
8. Fruit: watermellon
9. Pizza: Pineapple
10. Future: Ready
11. Car: HHR
12. House: too big
13. School: thinking
14. Cousins: miss them
15. Computer: Husband
16. Holidays: Family
17. Church: Want to
18. Shopping: Target
19. Food: Healthy
20. Cartoons: YUCK!
21. Today: COLD
22. Bills: Hate
23. Bed: Queen
24. Closet: Clean
25. Bathroom: Plain
Pictures to come soon...
Saturday, December 05, 2009
- it is cold
- the mountains are a deep purple
- christmas music is playing
- the tree is lit
- kids are watching tv quietly
- dinner will be done shortly
- Tom is off doing a computer job
- the bills are paid
- i love today...
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Zoe Update!
Monday during Zoe's PT (physical therapy) here at the house...she went down two step into our family room by herself! We are talking about standing and doing it! Oh so proud! This girl is well on her way to walking. We have waited 5 long years and I feel blessed to watch her make this journey.
And being the spazzy mother that I am...I didn't take any pictures! *tear*
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
I have been thinking...
Thanksgiving was different for us this year. With me doing childcare out of our home it seems that we never get a break away from everything. SO...we rented a camper and went with Tom's boss over to the Imperial Sand Dunes in Cali just past the Arizona border. The boys spent many hours on the quads and us girls mostly rode the sandrail. We had a good time until the winter storm decided to come a day early and cut the trip short. But it was nice to have the extra day to unpack and get things done before the work week started. Not to mention how nice a real shower and our bed felt! Also it had to better than last year when we spent the entire day cleaning carpets because SOMEONE (not mentioning my OCD husband's name) got on a kick of cleaning them.
Now the tree is up, the outside of the house is partly decorated, some shopping is done and we are ready for a very simple and quiet christmas season. We are cutting back on presents this year. I have been thinking about the 3 gift idea...like Jesus got. Does anyone else do that? We would do 3 gifts for each of the girls, one large gift for the both of them and then stockings. I think we have spoiled our girls every year and I do not want them to grow up and not know the true meaning of the season. I feel they are young enough now to not remember the mounds of presents that they opened in the last few years. Plus most of the toys just get pushed to the side and they go back to the old favorites after a week.
Zoe and Zada are both growing like weeds. Learning new things everyday. And keeping me VERY busy!
Tom is working like a work horse. I am so thankful that he loves his job or I know he would hate all these hours. We are talking 12-14 hour days ... 5 days a week.
Christmas cards are addressed, the letters will be printed tonight and they should hit the mail by thursday morning. I am only a few days behind and that isn't bad for taking 5 days of doing nothing for Thanksgiving.
We hope this Christmas season finds everyone happy and healthy!
ps...no pictures...maybe later this week! I need to get back to blogging weekly
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Blog Slacker...
A little rundown on the past 5 months!! OUCH!!
- Zoe started school off going full days but it was WAY too much for her so we cut down to half days.
- She had surgery on Aug. 12 to release her hip muscles and ham strings in hopes that she will be walking. She was casted from the top of her thighs to the tip of her cute toes. All clad in PINK of course! Her cast also had the bar in the middle to she could not move her legs.
- Zoe turned 5 on Aug 31st! We didn't have a party because she was not in the spirt.
- Zoe took 2.5 weeks off of school to recover from her surgery. She learned quickly how to get off of the couch and scoot herself around.
- Sept the casts were removed and honestly I was sick to see the scars that were suppose to be 1" long ...they were 3.5" LONG!!! It was a huge shock but a small price to pay to help her lead as normal of a life as we can.
- In Sept it was back to therapy as normal and slowly we got out Zoe back. She was scooting and not crawling until mid-October. Then she was off like a rocket. Up and down the stairs, jumping on the couch, escaping out the back door, playing in the dog food and water...our baby was back to normal.
- 4 short days after the casts came off we went to pick up her braces. Usually this takes 4-6 week but there was a cancellation so they called us! Her braces are light blue with butterflies all over them...very girly. They don't seem to bother her at all.
- She is now cruising the furniture and will walk with assisstance. We are hoping to get her walker by the end of the year to give her some more independence. She tires very quickly but we knew it would take some building up to do.
- Zoe is doing WONDERFUL in school. She is more involved and is getting use to structure. She gets so excited every morning when she gets in her "kid kart" to go out and wait on the bus. On the way home she usually sleep because she is totally wiped out.
Now on to Zada...
- She is "Little Lacey" from sun up till sun down. NO JOKE!
- Zada will be turning 4 on saturday (Nov 7th). She is super excited to have her party and her little friends come over!
- She is learning so fast that Tom and I can barely keep up! She will say stuff and we are like "WHAT?!?!?"
- Her new favorite saying is "Mommy you are the bestest mommy ever." Quoted straight from her.
- She loves to play dress up and watch "WW" with her daddy. (WW means WWE)
- She is very protective of Zoe and will let anyone know that.
- She is starting to understand that Zoe is a special child. She will ask questions and we explain to her the best we can.
- We are teaching her how to write her name. It is the last thing she needs to learn to test into school early next fall.
And us...Tom and Lacey
- Tom is still working for an amazing company and putting in lots of hours. We are so blessed that he got this job when he did...right at the collapse of the economy.
- I am trying to chase the kids, pack lunchs, clean house, cook dinner, shop and be the best wife and mom I can.
- I am still babysitting and love it! Finally got a good group of kids and parents...NO DRAMA!
- We enjoyed our 4th anniversary in August with Dinner out and a trip to Walmart. We left Zoe and Zada with Jaye and Lisa but at the time Zoe was still having a hardtime so it was best to make a quick date.
- We have finally closed up the pool for the "winter" and hope to be back in it in April.
I will try to update more...but life is crazy busy right now.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Over Due Update...
She takes up 80% of my attention and time 24/7. In four short days on July 20 she will venture to a new level...she is going to kindergarten! FULLDAY! I am super sad...I don't like letting go...i don't like the fact that I am not with her 24/7...but I understand for her to excel...to learn...to grow...she must do this. We met her teacher back in May and I feel that it was a great first impression for Tom and I. I know she will be in good hands. There are only 8 kids in her class and she was accepted for a grant to obtain her own teacher! We got in her "chair" that will be used for transportation prior to and after she is uncasted from hip surgery. It is bright red...so Zada picked her out a red backpack and lunchbox. Her clothing is all washed and hung up. Her shoes are wiped clean and in the shoe rack... It seems unreal that she is going to be by herself (away from us) all day long! She will go to school until Aug 11, have hip surgery on Aug 12, and have a date of Aug 24 for her to return to school. So I have been a total basketcase...and I will return when the shock has worn off.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
*the weather has been fantastic here in sunny AZ
*we are super blessed to have an in ground pool to survive another HOT summer!
*we met Zoe's teacher ... she starts school in July (BOO!!)
*we met with Zoe's Ortho Surgeon...decided to go ahead with her hip muscle and hamstring surgery (it will be some time in early August) I have struggled with this decision. There is a 75% chance that she will learn to walk with this surgery. I hope it will be worth the stuggle that we are about to embark on.
*Tom's job has been super busy...like 55-60 hour weeks
*Zada is growing up quickly...tonight she asked to learn how to write her name
*Zada lost my debit card somewhere in the house (BOO!!)
*Been taking tons of pictures but have not uploaded any yet...maybe I will do that tonight and then post some tomorrow...
Hope life is good for everyone out there in Blog Land!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Week in Review...
*Picked up papers to register Zoe for school...it is a day I have never wanted to happen but it is time to get her freedom. (atleast that is what i keep telling myself)
*Enjoyed dinner on the grill almost every night.
*My husband endured an injury (closed fracture) on his right wrist while playing softball. He is still able to work but wow he is a big baby when he is hurt or sick!
*Started walking again...it feels so good.
*Went to the pork shop for pig ears and found some "Apple, Maple & Pecan Sausage Links". Zada and I had these this morning for breakfast with eggs and strawberries...SO YUMMY!
*Had a girls night with Lisa (SIL) on wednesday night...watched Bride Wars...it was good!
It hasn't been a very eventful week...but wanted to update the blog quickly.
Tomorrow I will post 7 more budget dinners.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Budget Cooking (week 1)
(this is not necessarily what we will be eating this week but just 7 days worth of budget dinners)
- Pork Roast, Potatoes, Onions, Carrots and Rolls ($9.93)
Roast 6.05/Potatoes $1.17/Onion .52/Carrots 1.00/Rolls 1.19
- Chicken Fajitas and Refried Beans ($7.53)
Chicken 2.03/Peppers 3 for 1.00/Onion .43/Fajita Seasoning .50/Tortillas 1.79
Sour Cream 1.00/ 1lb. Beans .78
- Grilled Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Peas ($3.61)
Chicken(3 Breasts) 2.73/Corn 4 for 1.00/Peas(frozen) .88
- Steak, Baked Potatoes, Salad ($8.36)
Flat Iron Steak 4.02/Lawry's Marinade .60/Potatoes(3) .93/Bag Salad 1.00
Ranch .43/ Cheese 1.00/ Tomato .38
- Chicken Quesadillas and Spanish Rice ($7.09)
Chicken (2 breasts) 2.14/Cheese 1.00/ Tortillas 1.79/Rice 1.00/ Tomatoes (canned) .78
Onion .38
- Pork Chops, Green Beans, Butter and Herb Pasta ($3.81)
Chops(3) 1.93/ Green Beans (Frozen) .88/ Knorrs Butter and Herb Pasta 1.00
- Sloppy Joes, Homemade Fries, Pasta Salad ($7.02)
Buns .88/ Burger 1.78/ Potatoes(4) 1.17/ Seasonings <1.00/pasta>
TOTAL OF: 47.35
We make out our menus based on what is on sale at our local Fry's (Division of Kroger). I also try to match up coupons with what is on sale. We also buy most of our fruit and veggies at the "Ranch Market" due to they are about 1/4 of the cost of grocery stores. My biggest thing is: When meat is on sale...STOCK UP! That is the most expensive part of cooking! When Fry's had hamburger on sale for .88/lb I bought 45 lbs. Chicken is the same way...they will have it for .88/lb and we will buy 30-40lbs. On those weeks I don't buy much of anything else except what we need. This helps balance out the budget. You don't see many fruits on here because that isn't something we work into the menu because we eat them all day long! Also alot of our breakfast "budget" is cereal, fruit, bread and oatmeal...all of which on inexpensive. Our grocery budget is $70 for week for our family. Most weeks I only spend $50-55. I hope this helps everyone out there who reads my blog :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Zoe update...
Thank you for all the kind words and prayers!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter weekend...
And now...I sit in the hospital with Zoe on Easter Day waiting on her pending surgery tomorrow. We came in for a high fever (104) and were admitted. They feel it is in her best interest to have tubes in her ears, removal of both her tonsils and adnoids, and going to top it off with clipping her tounge. She has been tounge tied since birth and they feel that is part of the reason she doesn't want to eat because...well it is hard for her. But despite spending the holiday in "The Clink" as we call it :) It has been a pretty good holiday. The Easter Bunny came in this morning and brought her a basket full of goodies. Child Life (a volunteer group) brought her in a Cow Beanie Baby and a new blanket. Her doctors are all great and answer all of our questions...like always :). We are not sure on the time of her surgery tomorrow quite yet but when we know I will update this post. I know it is just a small surgery but with everything she has already been thru in her short 4 1/2 years...I hate thinking about putting her under again...but it must be done to make her better.
It is 5:45 our time, her tests are all ran, she is sleeping very sound, Tom is laying on the "couch" watching cartoons and I am awaiting the arrival of our Easter Dinner. Zada is with Jaye and Lisa which of course means she is being spoiled ROTTEN!! With Mackenzie there it seems to be a good distraction and hopefully she won't notice we are gone until we get back home! HA! She was very excited that the Easter Bunny came to our house and to TT Wee's! She must have been extra good this year to get 2 baskets!
I will update more later...
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
2nd part of house...
playroom...futon...kinda dark...sorry :)
Mercedes room...
what used to be Mercedes bed...it will now become Tom's office
the girls' bathroom...about ready for a redo...so sick of the FISH!
The girls' room...we have tried their own rooms and with a 4 bedroom house i would love to use the space that we have...but they REFUSE!!
Zoe's bed
Zada's bed
a view of the pool from the 2nd floor...
and then on a side note...i was typing this and Zada was sitting beside me in her pj's.
She looked up at me and this is how our convo went:
Zada: Mommy you are my bestest friend.
Me: Oh really and why is that.
Zada: Because you make me cookies and cup cakes and hotdogs and puffs and you are taking me to see cind-a-lela (Cinderella).
Me: I love you Zada
Zada: I love you too mommy. Can you buy me something when we go see cind-a-lela?
Me: Well what do you want to buy?
Zada: Rootbeer, popcorn, hotdog, candy, chips, and you a snack.
Me: Well we are going to Paradise Bakery before we go are you sure you are going to be that hungry? and what about buying a shirt or something?
Zada: Oh Momma I will share of the food with cind-a-lela and I don't need a shirt cause daddy says we have too much clothes...
and then she was off to play...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Our house...
The whole house...and my pretty orange (VERY DIRTY) car!
Up-close of the front door
Picture wall in play/2nd living room
"LOVE" wall in play/2nd living room
Wall dedicated to Tom's dad...the flag was surprise on Tom's 30th birthday! His brother pretty much ROCKS!! (and more toys and books)
Front window of play/2nd living room
Kitchen...I LOVE IT!
Dining area
Entertainment area...
the beloved's DVD and PS3 game collection...sliding glass door to back patio and pool
1st picture of Tom's TV room furniture
2nd of Tom's TV room furniture
...and tomorrow i will post the upstairs...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tom's Party
TT Wee and Cupcake ;)
The Band "Lestra" played mostly 80's rock for us!
Joe & Teresa (2 of the greatest neighbor's ever!!)
Zada...she should have been an 80's child! She totally pulled off the outfit!
Liz, TT Wee & Me...as you can tell it was crazy fun!! TT Wee looked like a white Tina Turner!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Big 30!!

Now let me see if I can think of 30 reason why my husband is such a great guy :)...
1.He loves me to no end
2.He is the best father I could ask for my daughters
3.He is a hard worker
4.He is fun to be around
5.He can grill up some steaks like no other
6.He is handy and can fix almost anything
7.He keeps his promises
8.He is my best friend
9.He loves to act goofy
10.His love for NASCAR
11.His patience
12.His faithfulness
13.His ability to keep fighting for our daughter for what she needs
14.His love for animals
15.His computer abilities (no repair bills for me!)
16.He understands that i have to get a pedi to feel good
17.The way he plays with the kids
18.The way he puts everyone else before himself
19.The fact that he lets me stay home to raise our girls!
20.His love for his family
21.The respect he gives elders
22.The way he makes french toast ;)
23.The fact that he works fulltime plus is starting up a business
24.His love for softball
26.His personality
27.His craftiness
28.He never complains when I go shopping
29.His willingness to keep the girls while I go shopping
30.well....he is HOT!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Swimming in March!!
Here is a little video of Zada swimming when Nana came to stay with us for a few days while Papaw went back to Indiana. She sure misses her Papaw...if you couldn't already tell from the video!
The weather here in central Arizona is one of the best things about the area. How many other places are you in the pool in mid-March :).
Friday, March 20, 2009
*Mercedes finished a full week of Girl Scout camp...she loved it!
*Got our pool light fixed
*Missing my sister-in-law/best friend...she will be home soon
*Preparing for Tom's 30th!
*Been planting flowers
*About to turn on the A/C
*Kids have been playing outside from the time they wake up...until bedtime.
*Got the sprinkler out for the kids!
*Took pictures and got them printed of the girls.
Been alot going on...picture post to come later :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patty's Day!
We will leave you with a few pictures of the girls!
Zada is her pretty new outfit that TT Wee got her for St. Patty's Day...she accented it with shiny red shoes and a pink cup...:)
Zoe playing in the park last week at a birthday party!
Our treat for the day...
Monday, February 23, 2009
*cleaned out the garage...i can now park in it! :)
*Tom is working TONS of hours and got a promotion at his "daytime" job
*Tom's computer business is starting to pick up
*Zada is almost completely potty trained...it is the #2 that is giving us a problem (sorry TMI)
*Garage sale this weekend :)
*Getting new living room furniture
*Bought a deep freeze so I only have to go "BIG TIME" grocery shopping once a month
*Zoe got approved for her therapy and respite care!!
*Tom is on a small break from softball but it will start up again soon
*We have been going to the gym again. (it feels so good)
*The weather has been so nice here...about time to put the long pants away until November!
*David Stremme is back in NASCAR!! <3 hometown boys!
*My momma turns 50 this week! (we got her a new computer!)
*We didn't send out a christmas letter or picture this year...with the death of Tom's dad I just didn't find the time...we are making up by sending out Easter pictures and an update letter!
*I have started taking Zada to the public library...it makes her feel big and she loves to get new books!
*We continue to have dinner with Jaye and Lisa every night and it seems to save all of us $$$
*Zoe now has all of her shots to start school :(
I think that is about all for now...pictures will come soon!
Lots of love until next time :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
It is late...
on a Friday night. Usually I would be standing in Lisa's kitchen talking about everyday life or what we were going to do with the kids tomorrow but she is back home for Jaye's appointment. They have only lived out here for 5 months but now i hate when she isn't here. We spend lots of time together...cooking, laughing, crying, talking, planning...while the guys work on the computer business they are starting. I miss her...I know it sounds corny but it has became our way of life. When we go to the store...we go together...when we go to the library...we go together...you could say we are like 2 peas in a pod.
Now to the "biggest of the little blondes" in the house...
Mercedes has been doing good in school, doing tons of homework, reading every night for at least 40 minutes, helping out and being the good kid that she is. She loves entertaining the little ones in her room for "after school parties". I make them treats, she sings for them and they play games. She had some dental work done this week and was a total trooper. They sedated her but she was still conscious but doesn't remember anything. She kept asking the dentist if he was the one that welded her mouth shut...it was too funny (and no she has never had her mouth welded!). And now here is a cute everyday picture that shows the real "Sades"...
Friday, January 09, 2009
Another Beautiful Day...
I honestly don't think that anything could make me move back to 0 degree winter weather and snow! We have been a bit spoiled and I plan to keep on getting spoiled. It is nice for Tom to work and not have to put on 4 layers of clothing to walk out the door. Now you are lucky to see him with long sleeves on! He plays softball all winter...couldn't do that in Indiana. So for real...now does anyone see why we left hell for heaven??